

osirisgems - handfaceted quality-gems:

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Bolivian Ametrine

My favorite material for the Liquid Flower is still the Ametrine. The flowing colours are great working with flowing pattern. This example is in the best size-range for the LF and it is still stunning to play with this in my hands.
There is a not prominent veis in the 7 o'clock region, hardly eye-visible. The Citrine part has around 10% while the Amethyst part definitely dominates this beauty.
13.68 cts., 16.2 x 11.1 mm

Bolivian Ametrine, 13.68 cts.

Tanzanian Sunset-Tourmaline

Bicolour Sunset-Tourmaline (Dravite) from Tanzania. The C-axis is perpendicular to the table, so you can see a colourful axis and also a darker one. Do you know where the name "Dravit" comes from? In South Tyrol, near Innichen, a river rises that flows eastwards, through East Tyrol and Carinthia and then through Slovenia and Croatia. This river is called "Drau" in german and "Drava" in the slavic languages. The first known locality of this tourmaline is located in today's Slovenia close to the Drava and was named after this river.
Perfectly clean and faceted as "Flandriant".
3.86 cts., 9.2 x 9.2 x 7.2 mm

Tanzanian Sunset-Tourmaline, 3.86 cts.

No it's not, it's a
Madagascan Cornelian

Fresh from the Munich Show. A new find in Madagascar with high end Cornelians in facet-quality, of course with strong silk but there are a lots of reflections still visible and the faceted gems looks like Fire Opals.
1.86 cts., 8.2 x 6.5 mm

Madagascan Cornelian, 1.86 cts.

Ampanihy Pink Silk


Beside the fine red and vivid pink Garnets Ampanihy also has the pink silky Rhodolites with a colour ranging from pink to magenta. These a hard to find and I only got these offerred once in the time before my former madagascar dealer became crazy. So from time to time I enjoy daceting one of these beauties. This one shows an average size and is silky but otherwise clean with a more magenty colour. A nice and charming gem with a very own character different to all the standards.
1.68 cts., 7.0 x 5.1 mm

Ampanihy Pink Silk Rhodolite, 1.68 cts.

Turkish Chalcedony

The Chalcedonies are a group of hard to photograph gemstones. Most of the internal reflections they have are not seen in the pics. This means you will have a nie surprise when have one of the Chalcedonies in your hands and see it irl. No difference with this example from Turkey in a soft blue colour and a six-fold brilliant design.
2.83 cts., 9.4 x 7.0 mm

Turkish Chalcedony, 2.83 cts.

Ampanihy Rhodolite

A medium to dark red Rhodolite from Ampanihy in southern Madagascar. In my eyes the localitiy for the finest classical red Garnets. This beauty shows here and there a spectaculare flash from some Rutil needles and platelets and is otherwise completely clean. The design is the latest of my ideas and hasn't a name now. I'm open for your suggestions!
1.89 cts., 7.2 x 5.5 mm

Ampanihy Rhodolite, 1.89 cts.

Inclusion Quartz

Fresh from this years Munich Show:
A very big Inclusion Quartz, near colourless just a hint of silvery greyish silk with numerous tiny and thin strands and some slightly bigger black ones.
Faceted with highest meetpoints and perfect polish. It took me two days to get this beauty out of a heavy tumbled stone but I enjoyed the way to this perfection.
39.22 cts., 22.2 x 17.1 mm

Inclusion Quartz, 39.22 cts.

Turkish Chalcedony

Another fine example of the beautiful turkish Chalcedonies. Softblue colour, intense internal glowing, super shin polishing are the typical properties of this uncommon gemstone. Will meet the miners soon and hope for more roughs.
Beside the the silk there are some nearly invisible internals, not really worth to mention.

6.37 cts., 12.7 x 9.2 mm

Turkish Chalcedony, 6.40 cts.

Mali Garnet

IAnother "Faceted Cabochon" this time a whopping neon yellowish green Mali Garnet. There are a lot of internals visible from any view that gives a lot of extra life to this glowing gem. 88 facets in total including table, "pavilion", girdle and a phase (the girdle were cut woith an angle of 80° to make a setting easier but I don't think setting is a good idea). A wonderful collector-piece.
14.60 cts., 13.5 x 8.7 mm

Mali Garnet, 14.60 cts.
Mali Garnet, 14.60 cts.
Mali Garnet, 14.60 cts.
Mali Garnet, 14.60 cts.

Mocambique Hessonite

Is this a hemispherical cut? Or a rose-cut? Or a cabochon?
I think 3x yes and I call these "Faceted Cabochons". A lot of work with this many facets (exactly 85 facets) shows an unexpected intensity of internal life. There is no pavalion, it's completely flat but it still brings a lot of "glowing" into this mocambique Hessonite.
5.40 cts., 11.1 x 4.9 mm

Mocambique Hessonite, 5.40 cts.
Mocambique Hessonite, 5.40 cts.

Ambohimasina Citrine

The next hemispherical gem finished yesterday is a big Ambohimasina (Madagascar) Citrine. Great golden colour with brownish and orangish modifiers. Flawlessly clean, 118 facets and two days of focussed work presents a stunning result.
40.90 cts., 21.4 x 18.6 mm

Ambohimasina Citrine, 40.90 cts.
Ambohimasina Citrine, 40.90 cts.

Turkish Chalcedony

The fascinating thing in some milky gemstone is that beside the bodycolour they often have another colour that could be called "reflecting colour" like this one have. It is a warm, slightly orangish hue that is only visible in the reflection and occurs in daylight and incandescent light.
Here I have done the same hemispherical design. as you can see in the Bahia Citrine below but the angles of the crown are a little more flat.

12.80 cts., 15.9 x 11.4 mm

Turkish Chalcedony, 12.80 cts.
Turkish Chalcedony, 12.80 cts.

Bahia Citrine

The first gem from this years SMAM-fair: a big light straw yellow Ctrine from Bahia, Brazil. Again in my bew hemispherical design with no less than 105 facets for great sparkle and live. Completely clean clarity with some region that show slightly silk.
30.70 cts., 20.6 x 15.9 mm

Bahia Citrine, 30.70 cts.
Bahia Citrine, 30.70 cts.

Ambohimasina Citrine 

I got a big chunk of top coloured Citrine from Ambohimasina in Madagascar and it was well shaped for the Liquid Flower. During facetting many tiny veils popped up and forced me to recut the pavilion to that stuff out of it. Numerous hours later the gem is still a big one and totally clean and has the perfect LF-pattern. And look at the colour! Noz bad for an untreated, 100% naturally Citrine?!
Now it's time for a break and I will start to this years fair in SMAM.
19.60 cts., 18.2 x 12.2 mm

Ambohimasina Citrine, 19.60 cts.

Chinese Serpentine

Nearly one year ago in Sainter-Marie-aux-Mine I purchased a bigger piece of very fine Chinese Serpentine or more exacrly a yellowish green Antigorite. Normally these are nothing for faceting except on the really good ones like this. Absolutely milky appearance with a nice internal glowing and only here and there a black tiny black dot. Polishing is a bit challenging after this stuff tends to get a structured surface whatever you do to polish it. But the 0-0,5 fine grain diamond powder on an old CD worked very well make it shine.
20.80 cts., 17.8 x 14.9 mm

Chinese Serpentine, 20.80 cts.
Chinese Serpentine, 20.80 cts.

Pink Chalcedony

Very strong colour in Chalcedony: a glowing warm pink and additionally in very big size. From my last years hunt at the Munich Show to catch some special Chalcedonies.Takes a while to cut but polishes so well.
As yiu see typical strong silk and some very,very decent reflections at the girdle that turns to the nice glowing in the center. The colour is a bit stronger in incandescent light and softer in diffuse daylight. A total of 97 facets (85+12) in a hemispherical brilliant design.

17.30 cts., 16.7 x 14.0 mm

Pink Chalcedony, 17.30 cts.
Pink Chalcedony, 17.30 cts.

Ampanihy Pastel Pyrope
GStrong pink Pastel Pyrope from Ampanihy in Madagascar..With 1.22 cts. this is one of the bigger eyamples of this rare and wonderful kind of Garnet.
1.22 cts.
, 5.9 x 4.8 mm

Ampanihy Pastel Pyrope, 1.22 cts.  

Brazil Citrine

A Trinity hexagon with its tri-star pattern in a light golden Citrine.Perfectly clean and soo lively.
5.98 cts., 11.1 x 10.1 mm

Brazil Citrine, 5.98 cts.  

Bolivian Ametrine

Very big Ametrine from Bolivia in a light saturation and flowing colours so the colour zoning is very decent to invisible, eyeclean.
22.31 cts., 19,0 x 13,0 mm

Bolivian Ametrine, 22.31 cts.  

Malawi Rhodolite
During the last weeks I have played a bit with the "Lighthouse of Porporela"-design and some new shape came out that way. This is the elongated version with additional barion facets and spectacular reflexctions.This gem is near flawless and just stunning.
7.98 cts.
, 16.0 x 8.3 x  8.6 mm
Malawi Rhodolite, 7.98 cts.  

Brazil Aquamarine
A light greenish-blue Aquamarine from Brazil in the rounded version of my "Floret"-design that I was inspired on a medieval festival in Kufstein, Austria. In fact this structure is from a rosette of an old guitarre. Some tiny internals that didn't detract the brilliance of this pastel gem.
0.88 cts.
, 6.2 x 5.0 mm

Brazil Aquamarine, 0.88 cts.  

Pastel Pyrope
What a chunky piece for a Pyrope and even Pastel Pyrope! Good clarity with no foreign stuff but some veils and much softer colour than usual. The "Pentagon" with its number of facetsstands for contrasty reflections.
1.74 cts.
, 7.4 x 5.2 mm
Pastel Pyrope, 1.74 cts.  

Rock Creek Sapphire
Typical greenish blue Sapphire from the Rock Creek deposit in Montana, USA. It has the so common cloudy colour areas this locality is known for. Luckily this doesn't detract the brilliancy too much. Untreated.
0.51 cts.
, 4.4 x 3.4 mm

Rock Creek Sapphire, 0.51 cts.  

Rock Creek Sapphire
The Mo-Sapphires have such great range of colours (even the untreated ones like this here). This pentagon cut Sapphire has a golden center along its c-axis and colours most of the gem so. There some internals prominent at the A1-/A2 axes and are still visible from above. Anyway a unique beauty!
0.57 cts.
, 4.9 x 3.5 mm

Rock Creek Sapphire, 0.57 cts.  

Songea Sapphire
While some of my collegues complained that the last Munich Show was so low with rough gems me and my students found soe#me new dealers with an interesting selection of Sapphires from Songea like this one. Very clean with only minor Rutiles and shifting greenish blue colour (it likes the cloudy daylight best with highest saturation and most dominant blue).
0.76 cts.
, 5.8 x 4.8 x 3.9 mm
Songeas Sapphire, 0.76 cts.  

Tanzanian Rhodolite
A dark typical red Rhodolite in a nearly round trillion with only 40 facets. Eyeclean clarity.
1.21 cts.
, 6.3 x 4.5 mm

Tanzanian Rhodolite, 1.21 cts.  

Tanzanian Rhodolite
European faceting tradition from Turnau meets Rhodolites from East-Africa. The faceting school from Turnov in todayys Czech Republic established a classical design for the really small bohemian Pyropes and this is this design adjusted to an octagonal cushion shape. Some easy visible internals but no foreign stuff.
1.33 cts.
, 6.5 x 6.5 x 5.7 mm

Tanzanian Rhodolite, 1.33 cts.  

Tanga Rhodolite
A fresh coloured RHodolite from Tanga, Tanzania. Beside the inclusion at 9 o'clock it is perfectly clean. Slight colour-shift from more magenta in daylight to more reddish in incandescent light.
1.78 cts.
, 6.5 x 5.8 mm

Tanga Rhodolite, 1.78 cts.  

Vatomandry Sapphire
Colourshifting Sapphire from the east coast of Madagascar, Vatomandry. Some of the common Rutile-"ghosts" are visible if the light hits the Rutile-plain. In daylight the colour is a cold and more bluish pink that turns to a softer more reddish pink in incandescent light.
0.42 cts.
, 4.3 x 3.4 mm

Vatomandry Sapphire, 0.42 cts.
Vatomandry Sapphire, 0.42 cts.

Liquid Flower Amethyst
After a long here comes an absolutely perfect Liquid Flower in a flawless & top coloured Amethyst.
No more words needed!
, 20.4 x 13.3 mm

Liquid Flower Amethyst, 26.47 cts.  

Sri Lankan Pyrope Garnet
Hard to catch rough Pyrope Garnet from the gem-island odf Ceylon/Sri Lanka. I got the rough from a collector who travelled for decades around the world. This crystal clear/flawless gem has the perfect colour and I did everything to give it the deserved respect while faceting and polishing. The result is an super fine Garnet for collectors or high end jewelry. Neither cs nor cc.
1.17 cts.
, 6.0 x 4.4 mm

Sri Lankan Pyrope Garnet, 1.17 cts.  

Brazil Amethyst
Light and big Quartzes are so perfect for designs like the "Triity-hexagon". This is a Rose de France Amethyst from Brazil. The 3 big main facets instead of the table can cause some trouble while polishing but some patience is really worth it. Eyeclean clarity and strong triple starburst reflections here in this beauty.
7.49 cts.
, 12.2 x 10.3 mm

Brazil Amethyst, 7.49 cts.  

Tunduru Hessonite
The same design as the Spessartine but here in a polycrystalline Tunduru Hessonite with its sugar-like appearance.
0.64 cts.
, 5.8 x 4.1 x 4.1 mm

Tunduru Hessonite, 0.64 cts.  

Mosambique Tourmaline
Unheated Tourmaline from Mocambique faceted in Tom Herbst's "Hexpo" design. Top clarity and a soft colour that contains salmon, pinkish amd some slight greyish hues.
, 8.2 x 7.0 mm
Mocambique Tourmaline, 3.07 cts.  

Lemon Citrine
Here is a medium sized Lemon Citrine (some prefer Lemon Quartz?) Anyway a  fine gem with well saturated yellow colour  and even with treatment it has no silk as it occurs so often. Perfectly clean with some more colour than thepic shows (my camery don't like these yellow colours, sorry!).
3.44 cts.
, 11.2 x 9.2 x 7.5 mm

Lemon Citrine, 3.44 cts.  

Light Surselva Smoky Quartz
Very light Surselva Smoky Quartz with only slightest greyish-brownish hue. Some very tiny internals otherwise perfectly clean, the right material to show fascinating Trinity pattern.
14.94 cts.
, 15.3 x 13.3 mm

Light Surselva Smoky Quartz, 14.94 cts.  

London-Blue Topaz
Dark greenish blue Topaz (London-Blue, treated) in my hemispherical "Palac Struga" design. with 69+6 facets, eyeclean. I'm very enthusiastic for hemispheriacl gems and this is definitely one of my favorite designs, very time-intense but always worth doing it.
11.28 cts.
, 11.7 x 11.3 mm

London-Blue Topaz, 11.28 cts.  

Tanzanian Rhodolite
A typical dark red Rhodolite from Tanzania faceted in the French Cut #2, eyeclean.
, 4.7 x 4.7 x 4.1 mm

Tanzanian Rhodolite, 0.88 cts.  

Mosambique Tourmaline
Unheated Tourmaline from Mocambique faceted in Tom Herbst's "Hexpo" design. Top clarity and a soft colour that contains salmon, pinkish amd some slight greyish hues.
, 8.2 x 7.0 mm

Mocambique Tourmaline, 3.07 cts.  

Tanga Rhodolite
After a long time I faceted a new very big Rhodolite. This time it was an alluvial marble-shaped piece from Tanga, Tanzania with a purplish red colour. To achieve a good result I decided for the nine-sided nearly round trillion with a high top crown. The clarity is very high just some of the tanga-typical Rutile needles & platelets that add here and there a nice colour flash to this impressive gem.
The whole gem has a intense mystical glowing from the deep all over its crown, my camera couldn't show that.
15.63 cts.
, 13.7 x 12.0 mm

Tanga Rhodolite, 15.63 cts.  

Pink Sapphire
IF-Sapphire from Ilakaka in Madagaskar in a fine pink colour. This design is the "Rands Cut Corner Rectangle #1" from Dan Clayton.
0.68 cts.
, 5.5 x 4.0 x 3.9 mm
Ilakaka Sapphire, 0.68 cts.  

Erongo Demantoid
This one was a hard fight. The rough was a big piece with 2.5 gram and only one half had a better clarity. The result still has many internals, but hey this is a Demantoid with over one carat! WIsh I would have more roughs even with this inclusions. The "Lighthouse of Porporela" with extra steep angles gave an extra portion of colour and dispersive flashes.
1.22 cts.
, 6.7 x 5.6 x 4.8 mm

Erongo Demantoid, 1.22 cts.  

Ampanihy Pastel Pyrope
It was not easy to find, to catch (and to pay!) this outstanding gem. A rough marble with a diameter of around 17 mm weighing 10.4 gram and was catching my eyes. It had the perfect shape for my "nearly round trillion" and here is the result: high saturated magenta colour, vvs clarity and an astinishing size for a Pyrope Garnet.
18.54 cts.
, cts. 14.7 x 12.7 mm

Ampanihy Pastel Pyrope, 18.54 cts.  

Habachtal Smoky Quartz
This design is the newest and 5th member of the million-times copied Trinity series and got the name "Trinity Trilliant". WHat do you guess how long it takes until we see the first copy? ...
Flawless clarity, extraordinary polishing just the best faceting & polishing quality and the first of its kind from a well known european origin (Prehnitinsel, Habachtal at around  7500 feet).
3.15 cts.
, 9.4 x 8.3 mm

light champagne Smoky Quartz from Habach Valley, Austria, 3.15 cts.  

Mocambique Hessonite
Reddish-orange Hessonite from Mocambique with all typical internals of the multicrystalline Grossulare-variety.
2.44 cts.
, 9.1 x 5.7 mm
Mocambique Hessonite, 2.44 cts.  

Tanzanian Rhodolite
The newest member in  the "Pipistrelli"-family done as a high dome or hemispherical design. Unusual reflections in this dark but not too dark Rhodolite from Tanzania.
2.71 cts.
, 7.0 x 6.9 mm

Tanzanian Rhodolite, 2.71 cts.
Tanzanian Rhodolite, 2.71 cts.

Val Val Smoky Quartz
After years it was time for y new NEO. It´s often hard to find a rough with a good shape for special designs like this one. The rough is from Switzerland, Surselva or more specifically from Val Val. Except on some fingerprint internals at 6 o'clock it´s completely clean. If you have very sharp eyes you might notice it.
7.63 cts.
, 15.4 x 8.6 x 12.3 mm
Val Val Smoky Quartz, 7.63 cts.  

Arusha Tanzanite
Supersoft coloured Tanzanite. Nearly white with a little violett to pink. The "Flandriant"-design works well in this little gem and makes an intense spakle. Some small and really hard to detect internals (no foreign stuff).
0.80 cts.
, 5.3 x 5.3 x 4.1 mm
Arusha Tanzanite, 0.80 cts.  

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last update: Dienstag, 14. Januar 2025                               